One. Or everything.
We can do almost any job, big or small, that doesn’t involve hazardous materials.
Our minimum price is $85 for a single item.
After that, pricing is affected by the amount of our 16.5 cubic yard truck bed that the cleanout takes up. Our truck has a 14-foot long by 8-foot wide by 4-foot tall bed, to give you an indicator.
Here’s a breakdown of those prices:
1/4 truck = $225 (that’s roughly four cubic yards)
1/2 truck = $375 (roughly eight cubic yards)
3/4 truck = $500 (roughly 12 cubic yards)
Full truck = $675 (roughly 16 cubic yards)
The pricing above is for standard junk items. For reference, a ratty, beat-up, I-don’t-want-this-in-my-house-anymore couch is equivalent to approximately two cubic yards.
Construction or landscaping items, like dirt, brick, concrete and tree stumps, are subject to different pricing.
Also, there’s a surcharge for tires, mattresses, items with freon—like refrigerators and freezers—and electronics.
That’s why it’s best to send photos when requesting an estimate. Or better yet, call us and we will estimate on site.